Friday, March 30, 2012

35 VS 50.

I have this silly idea that I'll have some spending money this summer. I keep telling myself that surely I won't have to save every dollar for school. On the rare occasion that I find myself with a surplus of $200, I know exactly where it will go.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Make Him Famous: Kony 2012.

I've seen this flying around all over Facebook and tried to ignore it. I told myself it was just another viral video that was sure to die down eventually, but then I watched it. I suggest you do the same. 

I've never made real connections between myself and everyone else in this world. I have been living a good life and for the past 20 years I've been soaking up all that life has to offer. In high school, many of my peers advertised something called the Invisible Children. I didn't pay much attention, mostly out of ignorance. I graduated and forgot all about it. Today I was reminded of what I saw four years ago and also of what I've always known to be true. As humans on this earth, we are all children of God. He loves each of us the same. I may not have the same passion as some people behind the Invisible Children group, but if there's one thing I do value, it's my faith. I can't stop all war. I can't arrest a man in Africa. I can't shout to the whole world, but I can do something. I can make it known to my small circle of influence that there are children (our brothers and sisters) suffering and being robbed of a childhood in this world. No one should have to live through that. 
We might not be able to make every person in this world have a happy life, but we can start by giving them hope. We can start by making Joseph Kony famous this year. Let the world know who he is and what he is doing. We have so many freedoms in this blessed nation. Let's use them to give hope to those who have nothing. 
Make Joseph Kony Famous.